Monday, July 19, 2010


Hey family
First off tapes are not allowed in our mission...sorry.
Next Pictures!
First picture is me just to show you i am doing well.
Second is my companion Elder Johnson from Eagle Mountain Utah.
Third is my Apartment. Its not much but it's okay. for those who saw my apartment at Snow its about the same size just with one bed room and a laundry room.
Forth is my MTC District. Four of us went to Guam, three to Florida and three to my mission.
Fifth To any one who knows Elder Duglas Miller well...He swam with me in high school.
Sixth My room at the MTC!
Seventh our lovely pull up bar. By the way I missed the MTC record by 3 when my hand slipped from sweat.
Eighth My MTC District again! Lets just say I really enjoyed my time at the MTC with them. many of them where already so prepared to be doing missionary work.
Okay that's plenty of pictures and I am sure that this Email is going to be huge because of it.
Life in Dublin Georgia is going great. I got my first flat tire the other day. Tell you all the truth i rather enjoyed fixing it:) We really have been on our bikes allot lately. In fact I believe i am beginning to fulfill the term of Thunder Thighs! My legs our getting stronger and bigger. In fact i think i am back to how I was in high school with no fat. when i left the MTC I was 190 and now i am back down to 180ish. Mainly I think that was because i couldn't run in the MTC.
And Now I Elder Robinson will show unto you the tender mercies of the Lord...Over the last 6 weeks we haven't seen much. nope...but over the last week and a half we have seen tons of things happen. We are teaching 11 individuals and they are all keeping commitment's! One should be baptised this upcoming week and he is so exited about it.
Oh and for those of you that don't know i have a great friend of mine that should be getting her call soon. She should know I cant wait to hear about it.
Also David Stevenson is leaving this month to England! I absolutely loved it over there. But The Georgia Macon mission is better.
Love you all.

-Elder Robinson

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Friday, July 16, 2010

12, July 2010

12, July 2010
Dear Mom & Dad,
Hey sorry I haven't been able to send home any pictures yet. I just realized that as we were at the library.
But in all reality we don't have that much time on the computers, there (is) sometimes less than 30
minutes, so if my emails sound cut short it's because I had more to write but I just ran out of time. So
when I send pictures back I probably won't send anything more than a little dialog for the pictures.
This last week has been really interesting with the mission trainers (traveling missionaries that go from
area to area to boost the work). We are finding and teaching people all the time. It's just Anti (Anti-
Mormon Doctrine) has been so big in the area lately. I just hope that those giving the Anti (-Mormon
messages) will one day have an Alma the Younger experience, and convert to the Church.
I would say that in the area that I am in (that) dogs are really the only problems. But I honestly believe
that as long as we are being obedient we will be protected. It is really annoying when you knock on
someone's front door and they let the dog out the back.
Oh about me getting stung, it wasn't that bad. The wasp got me in the neck, which had me worried for a
moment. I was with Elder Fry and he drove me back to the apartment where I did get some medication.
It didn't swell more than an inch and a half and the sting went away after 2 hours. I had called the
Mission President's wife, Sister Bowman, and she told me just to take it easy. So I did.
Other than that, the work is doing great. We are working with a 22-year-old gentleman named "Kywan
Walls" right now, who I believe will get baptized on the 30th of this month. That will be wonderful.
Elder Robinson
(Spencer Robinson)
p.s. I was raining today so sorry about the water marks.

Monday, July 12, 2010


Hey Family and Friends
Time...What can you make of it? I sure don't know except that it just goes.
First I realized that I have no idea what is going on any more outside the ten days we plan for in our weekly planning sessions. Family sorry that doesn't include you so I have no idea what is going on in your lives until Monday for 30min if that. Unless you are one of the few that write me then I can read over your letters a little longer.
Second well friends, yeah I have just forgotten about all of you too. Don't take that as something bad, I still want to hear from you when I get home in two years.
Third you are all in my prayers, I just don't know what to pray for "y'all" anymore. So I pray that you are all safe, healthy and spiritually becoming stronger.
So my week went as thus...
I got stung in the neck by a wasp...that felt great. And yes Mom I was just fine. Simply ran back to the apartment and got some meds.
We did get chased by a few more dogs. (Everyone has dogs down here and they all seem to hate Missionaries and Mail Carriers.
The Mission's Traveling came to our area this last week. Elder Fry and Elder Hockersmith. Elder Hockersmith is actually from Orem High. He knew Elder Jeremiah Robinson better then he knew me. Our area is one of the few in the mission that hasn't seen a baptism in a few months. Why, I don't know.  It's my first area. My companion and our District leader Elder Johnson said he saw success through his whole mission until he got here and since he got here (a transfer before I did) he hasn't seen much. But we keep going. We just found a family of 9 this last week. Whether they know it or not they just got some new friends that will conveniently be in the neighborhood for a few minuets each day this week.
The Traveling Missionaries stayed for a few days, that's why I didn't email last week because we where tied up working with them. Their job is to come into areas where the work is slow and see if they can help mix things up a bit.
Sorry got to go.
Love you all,

-Elder Robinson

Friday, July 9, 2010

Re: Spencer's letter

Dear Mom & Dad,
Hey I figured I would write because the library is closed. So you probably won't get an email from me (if you do it will be very short.)
So life in Dublin is going great. The work is hard but not impossible. According to my Mission President there are no hard areas, but our area hasn't seen a baptism for some time. Because of this the Mission President is sending the mission trainers to work in our area this next week (mission trainers are traveling missionaries that go around and boost the work.) This should be absolutely wonderful.
I am learning so much more from the scriptures and Preach My Gospel. Preach My Gospel is the greatest work of modern scripture we have to use as a missionary. My teaching is getting better all the time from it. I don't fear anything or anyone while I am teaching with the Spirit because the message is true (the only thing that has bothered me is Pit Bulls chasing after us. Yeah that's an adrenalin rush.) People show us a great amount of respect here too. (back to the Pit Bulls, my companion says he  has had more problems with dogs than with me than with any other companion.) They (the people) may not want to listen to us, but they think we are great.
The other day a dog came at us and my companion and I had to hit it with our scriptures to keep it from biting us. Its the only "bible bashing" I have done out here. Our message is of course heard most by the lower class. The biggest problem we have teaching them is that people are often just living together and don't want to get married. Otherwise its great.
Oh Mother, thank you so much for the biking pants, they are wonderful. I had an interview with the Mission President yesterday and he asked about he family. I told him that you were doing okay, dad was alright, and that you had just sent me out some things.
I have meant to send some pictures home via email, but we have been just so busy. We work as hard as possible and as smart as possible in this mission. I can honestly tell you I have never been fed food at a member's home yet. Actually, I haven't even stepped into a member's home unless they were in-active. So as such I have lost a little weight, but I am not worried about it because I am still eating lots. I honestly feel like I am back in high school swimming only instead of swimming it is biking and walking all day. Every now and again (2-3 days) we get a good morning run in.
Dad, hey you still sick for? Just kidding..but I really hope you start feeling better. Really dad, take some time off and take care of yourself. You are in my prayers.
Well that's pretty much all about me that I can think of. One thing that I might ask for as well.. while I am out here is that if there is any way that people could use "Dear Elder" or write me (in an actual letter form) more instead of emailing me that would help. The reason why my emails are so short is because I only have 30 mins on the computer usually and that's not enough time to read everything and then get off a decent letter. Some times we get a little more time, but 45 minutes is the longest we are allowed.
Thank you so much for everything. The work is great and I absolutely love it. I am changing for something better.
Love your son,
Elder Robinson (Spencer Robinson)